Fake Internet Reviews

You can find many positive reviews of Thomas Le written on medical review sites such as RealSelf, Vitals, RateMDs, WebMD, and HealthGrades.

There is a huge problem with nearly all of the positive internet reviews on Thomas Le: They are all fake. The patients in the reviews do not exist and the entire review is fabricated. The review is completely fabricated by Thomas Le, Thomas Le's family, or his office staff. The reviews are fabricated to give an innocent, naive, and inexperienced patient that is doing surgery research on the internet a false sense of hope and reality. The falsified reviews are a predatory internet phishing tactic designed to attract a patient through the internet to Thomas Le. 

 This is not only a dangerous tactic, but also a desperate tactic where criminal behavior is involved. It is illegal and it is a crime to impersonate other people on the internet in a predatory fashion. The impersonation tactics Thomas Le uses on the internet are no different than the tactics that internet child sex predators and rapists use on the internet to attract and lure innocent victims to them. Thomas Le is so sick in own his mind, that he has no problem impersonating and falsifying reviews of himself so that he can get to anybody's money and perform surgery on them, whether the surgery is necessary or not. Mr. Le will gladly take your money and perform surgery on you. He is desperate for money I can assure all of that. No legitimate doctor and facial surgeon should ever have to resort to the desperation of pretending to do surgery on patients in falsified internet reviews. The tactic is simply pathetic and criminal.

There are positive reviews out there of Thomas Le were he literally had the negative review I posted of him removed, and he reworded my negative review into a fake positive review of himself. This shows you how much this guy even cares about an innocent person that he assaulted and harmed severely with his horrific surgery. He doesn't care at all that he has harmed an innocent person and left them with a mess correct, if it can be corrected at all. He is so twisted upstairs that he will use his suffering patients own words in a positive review of himself. This review from RateMD's is my review with the words twisted around. "Skeptical and Hesitant". Those are my words and my words only.

Just yesterday as of this writing a new review of Thomas Le popped up on RealSelf:


This review is totally fabricated, the person doesn't exist, just like every other review. The account was created on the day the review was posted. RealSelf claims to do an authentication process of the reviews, however Thomas Le uses VPN software and phony email and RealSelf accounts to bypass their checks and make it appear as if he is different people, when in fact the reviews are all authored by the same person. Nearly all of the 78 reviews you can find on RealSelf about Thomas Le are falsified.

I warn any and all surgery patients, do not believe a word of the positive reviews you read online about Thomas Le and be very cautious with this man. From over a year worth of experience as a patient of Thomas Le, I can assure any and all that Mr. Le is an extremely sick and evil man with deep psychological problems, and the positive reviews that you read online about Thomas Le are all part of his sick and twisted mind and the psychological games that he likes to play. He is an extremely dangerous man both on the internet and in person. Parent's please watch out for your children around Thomas Le. Adult's please watch out for your physical and mental safety around Thomas Le.

If you are seeking a positive plastic surgery experience with a competent, stable, honest and trustworthy doctor, and good results to go with it, absolutely look elsewhere. Thomas Le is the worth of the worst.


  1. I have to say as someone who did a 4 hour consult with Le for a revision surgery, this seems about right. He got mad every time I said something. Even the lady at his desk when I showed up, I had said " I head Le has long consults." She literally rolled her eyes like "yeah." Very bad vibe from the whole experience. There was fishiness within the consult and I found it very concerning that one of the pictures he showed me was a man that had a rhino with him, then the man lost his chin impant due to infection. He just didnt care. Lots of red flags.

    1. Hey Bobby. Sorry for the late reply. The holidays came, and I haven't been feeling too well on top of that.

      I am not surprised in the least that you would say that Thomas Le became mad every time you said something. He did the exact same with me. Pre-operatively he behaved calm and reassuring albeit with lies, and then post-op, I could hardly finish sentences and he would be raising his voice at me in contradiction and disregard to what I said. His demeanor was very argumentative and he snapped and took offense to nearly everything I said, even benign small talk conversation with him unrelated to surgery, he took offense to and raised his voice with me at times. His behavior was the most erratic behavior that I have ever personally witnessed, and I have seen a lot of strange behavior over the years. He discussed very disturbing topics with me at length post-surgery, including spending several hours on one post-op visit discussing patients undergoing elective surgery to amputate a patients arms and legs when there is nothing wrong with their arms and legs, and how much better patients feel as a paraplegic with no limbs. On another post-op visit, I mentioned that my grandfather was at UMMC cancer lodge with leukemia. Thomas Le took that comment as cue to discuss death and what it was like to die of cancer for several hours. When I would try to get the topic of discussion to my rhinoplasty surgery, he completely disregarded my attempts and continued with his dialogs. He wasted entire work days of mine sitting in his office listening to him ramble on about nothing related to my surgery, and then would tell me how greatful I should feel that he spent more time with me than his own wife and kids when I would tell him that I didn't have time to continue speaking and that I had a job to get to. On another occaision, he would tell me that most surgeons would charge $1000/hr to have conversations with them and that I should feel greatful he wants to spend so much time with me and talk with me for free. He would not let me go at times. Even on the phone, there were conversations I had with him, where I literally sat for hours at a time listening to him ramble on about every single topic except my surgery. When I would try to interject to what he was saying, he would raise his voice and snap at me mid sentence, and then continue to speak. I remember speaking to him for about 2 hours one morning on the way to work and while in front of my office, I must have said goodbye to him 15 times that morning standing in front of my office door with my new colleagues watching me, and he just kept on going and going and going about his own personal topics. I tried to talk about my surgery with him, but his mind was clearly elsewhere. I remember that morning well, I sat and listened with respect to maintain a positive relationship with Le, even though I knew the surgery was bad and I was in pain. He had no respect for me or my time that morning and the fact that I had just started a new job. I did everything in my power to keep things on track with Le, even though I had a very bad outcome. I was never disrespectful or cross with Le ever, but he was nasty, rude, disrespectful, offensive, and defensive with me on every single post-op occaision.

      I don't know if the girl at the desk that rolled her eyes is Elizabeth Lyons, but I would suspect that to be the case. Ms. Lyons is well aware of the behavioral issues associated with Thomas Le, but seemingly ignores them to remain employed. She is well aware that Thomas Le has not only personality and behavioral issues, but has also caused harm to patients. An honest person would not cover for their employer when the employer is conducting business and medicine in unconventional ways and has harmed people also, and would notify the right channels. Ms. Lyons, or whoever runs the desk at the Dorsey Hall Drive office, is covering for Thomas Le, and has been for some time now.


    2. As far as his long consults go. They are nothing more than wasted time. As I have stated previously, Thomas Le's employment with UMMC was terminated in 2010/2011 over his methods of practicing surgery. He was spending excessive amount's of time with patients on consults and in the OR. Excessive time wasting = excessive surgery. In his fake reviews, Thomas Le likes to point out how meticulous he is in his long surgeries. When you see the word "meticulous" in a review, that review was written by Le and only by Le. There is nothing meticulous about his surgeries or his surgery times. They are wasted time, which UMMC is, or was aware of.

      I am glad you saw the red flags pre-surgery. He did you a big favor showing you how much he doesn't care, and who he really is pre-surgery.

      I am planning to post some more in the near futue. Stay tuned and Stop back by with more comments if you would like.

    3. Just a follow up here:

      I think Thomas Le is paying somebody to post reviews online for him and monitor what is said online about him. Somebody is constantly monitoring what is said online about Thomas Le, and removing negative reviews and content and posting 5 star reviews.

      I think that money is getting tight for Thomas Le due to the COVID-19 pandemic and that he is getting desperate for somebody to operate on. He is posting falsified 5 star reviews out of pure desperation for money in 2021.

      Be extremely careful with Thomas Le. When money is tight, he talks patients into unnecessary surgery for the money and performs unnecessary for the money to satisfy himself financially. He doesn't care at all if he harms your or not. I spent 1 year being a patient of Thomas Le's and I can assure you that he does not care one bit if he harms you and will perform extreme, unnecessary, and harmful surgery for the money. Thomas Le is extremely dangerous.


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