My Google Review

I posted a 100% factual review of Mr. Le and his business on Google. The review was posted in 2017 and remained up for over a year, receiving over 2,000 views and 15 likes total.

2023 Update:
I was contacted by a person that I met through email that informed me that internet patient's of Thomas Le are responsible for removing my review on Google. These people have never met me, were not present during any office visit or surgery between myself and Thomas Le. The are not me and are not recipients of the surgery that I underwent. These people that gossip about me are dangerous internet lurkers and trolls and frankly total losers. Apparently one of the Real Self posters that I corresponded with decided to use the information that I provided them to gossip with others online about me, and have discussed me in degrading and untrue ways. I warn anybody reading this, do not trust or believe anybody speaking negatively about me for sharing my experience and trying to prevent other people from being seriously harmed and permanentely injured by crazed, lunatic, and dangerous surgeon Thomas Le. 

2019 Update:
As of recent, February, 2019, Mr. Le has flagged the review multiple times and Google has given in to his requests. I am curious as to what lies and basis Mr. Le is providing to Google as reason to have the review removed. It's apparent that Mr. Le can not handle the truth about his horrific surgery, what he has put me through, the time that I have lost suffering from his surgery, and the steep medical bills he has left me with.

Since Mr. Le can't handle the truth of the malpractice, assault, fraud, lies, and abusive behavior that he subjected me to being posted in a review of his business, I will re-post the factual review here:

HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE Results. HORRIBLE HORRIBLE HORRIBLE Experience. After aggressively pursuing me and lying to me profusely using coercion and manipulative sales tactics to get my money and have me undergo surgery as he was being fired from the University of Maryland Medical Center, Dr. Le displayed the most abusive, erratic, and disturbing behavior that I have ever witnessed from a human being when I complained of my results, including sending me several lengthy, extreme, disturbing, harassing, manipulative, and nonfactual emails, and made several attempts to diagnose me with severe mental illness. Dr. Le went as far as to call me “Adolf Hitler” several times, even in front of my parents, and tried to explain to me how mentally ill Hitler was, and how I am as mentally ill as Adolf Hitler. He also tried to book sessions with his own personal psychiatrist on my behalf without my consent, or even asking me. He even told me how much I made him want to commit suicide. He also refused to provide me with my medical records when I felt his behavior was out of line and wanted to take my case to a different doctor. He even spent an entire post-op visit speaking for nearly 2 hours about how normal it is for people to go through elective surgery to have their arms and legs amputated, and how much better patients feel after having their limbs removed. During another post-op visit, he talked at length about death, and about what it was like to have cancer and die of cancer. The conversations I had with Dr. Le were morbidly disturbing and did not pertain to myself, my nose, my chest, or the surgery I underwent with him in any way.

When I filed a complaint with the Northwest Hospital, they were incredibly cruel with me, accepted zero responsibility, and instead claimed that I was harassing them by complaining and questioning how Dr. Le was able to gain hospital privilege’s there and transfer my surgery from UMMC to NW Hospital in such a short amount of time. They claimed to have done a thorough investigation of what I have described above, although they would not release any reports pertaining to their investigation. They said that although Dr. Le performs surgery at the hospital, he is not insured by the hospital, nor is he employed by the hospital, therefore they accept no responsibility for what he does in their facilities. The entire team at Northwest Hospital and Baltimore Washington Facial Plastic Surgery, including Darlene Skinner, Sharon Hendricks, Sheri Waters, and Elizabeth Lyons were all incredibly nasty with both myself and my mother with no concern for my well being and no remorse for what Dr. Le did to me in their facilities.

I can firmly say, based on my experience with him, that Dr. Le is not in a mental state that is concurrent with the norms of society, and has been in this abnormal condition for some time now. He should not be privileged to perform facial surgery in the condition that he is in. His employment with University of Maryland Medical Center was absolutely terminated back in 2011 because of his behavior, and his 8-10 hour surgical procedures, and all these years later, I can sense that not much has changed with this guy. Dr. Le absolutely undergoes psychiatric counseling, which he even admitted to in emails, while he was attempting to diagnose me with severe mental illness. Absolutely do not have surgery with this doctor. There are plenty of facial surgeons out there that are stable, honest, ethical, and sane, and understand what their patients are seeking, and how to interact and speak with patients. Do not trust this doctor and do not risk your face to this doctor. Run to another plastic surgeon. I am very real, and what I have to say is very true. I have pictures, videos, emails, letters, and 8+ years worth of severe pain, disfigurement, suffering, and substantial corrective surgery to undergo to back up everything I have to say here. I would hate to see somebody else have to go through what this man did to me and has put me through. Medical Malpractice and Fraud.


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