Maxillary Retention Cysts

MRI images of several Maxillary Retention Cysts that formed as a result of revision rhinoplasty with rib grafting surgery with Mr. Le.

The cysts that formed in my left sinus left me chronically ill and suffering tremendously for nearly 8 years. Symptoms of the cysts include permanent, chronic, and severe migraine headaches, loss of sight and balance, blurred vision, physical pain inside of your face, a feeling of dizziness, nausea, breathing difficulties, nasal and mucous draining problems, sleep problems, and memory problems. The cyst in my left sinus cavity was so big, that breathing from my left nostril was impossible.

Based on my experience living with Maxillary Retention Cysts, it is possible to faint and/or have a seizure as a symptom. It is also possible to become extremely nauseated and vomit as a result of the cysts. Maxillary retention cysts have a physical effect on your face, brain, and overall health.

The cysts were removed by an ENT surgeon at Georgetown Medstar Hospital in August, 2018 after suffering with them since surgery with Mr. Le in January, 2011. During my treatment at Georgetown Hospital, I was very fortunate to meet a Redskin Hall of Fame player that was treating his own cysts.

The cause of the cysts according to the surgeon that removed them was that my sinus wall was carelessly cut in previous surgery. The incisions were left open and became infected and in-grown into the mucosa of my sinus wall. The infection was severe and never addressed, mentioned, or treated by Mr. Le. The treating surgeon at Georgetown said the main cyst was so large because it was left untreated and un-diagnosed for 8 years. It took me nearly 8 years of suffering in pain and illness day in and day out to the point of collapsing to finally have an MRI performed and the problem correctly diagnosed.

If you are experiencing any type of physical illness or physical pain as a result of a rhinoplasty procedure or an other cosmetic or reconstructive type of procedure (face, body, etc.), the best possible plan of action is to immediately inform your surgeon and your family members and friends. Have your surgeon refer you for an MRI immediately. If your surgeon is not cooperative or incapable of diagnosing the problem, the best plan of action is to schedule a visit with your family/primary care doctor and request an MRI. Insist and demand that an MRI is performed. Do not assume anything and do not believe anything until scans are performed and the scans are reviewed and a report is available. As long as you, the patient, are experiencing any adverse effects from surgery, you should be monitored by internal scans of your body. Do not take anybody's word or assumptions over internal bodily problems, get MRI scans.

Mr. Le was incapable of diagnosing or treating the cysts that he caused. His post-operative behavior was abusive, nonfactual, and focused around non-existent and severe mental disorders that he claimed I had based on fabricated conversations he claimed I had with him, and pre-operative information that I provided him. While I complained of severe pain and discomfort and was suffering from an assault like surgery, I was told be be severely mentally ill, which is as far from the truth as possible. Based on my experience with him, Mr. Le is incapable of accepting responsibility for his own surgical mistakes and very difficult to work with if post-operative problems arise. As far as I am concerned, the surgery he performed on me is nothing more than an assault and Mr. Le is an extremely dangerous surgeon.

Mr. Le attempted to diagnose the pain and suffering that I have experienced as a result of his surgery to be severe mental illness and claimed the pain I was experiencing as a result of his extreme surgery to be "Pain Hypersensitivities that are Psychosomatic in Nature." Such an act is referred to as gaslighting a patient. I will go into detail and address doctors and surgeons Gaslighting patients in a later post. Gaslighting patients is an incredibly abusive and sinister attack on a vulnerable person's sanity. The tactic is used to take the responsibility of poor surgery off a surgeon and put it on the victim of the poor surgery Gaslighters are extremely dangerous sociopath's. Mr. Le is a very dangerous sociopath as far as I am concerned.

As far as I know Mr. Le's employment with University of Maryland Medical Center was terminated over his behavior and for performing the type of surgery that was performed on myself that led to the development/formation of the maxillary retention cysts inside of my face. He was terminated for spending 8-12 hours performing lengthy and unnecessary facial surgery and spending several hours with patients on consultations discussing topics unrelated to surgery. The exact wording that was said to me was "He was asked to leave for spending too much time with patients before, during, and after surgery." I will go into detail regarding the termination of Mr. Le's employment with UMMC, why it was terminated, and how my surgery coincided with it in a separate post.

I will also go more in depth regarding Maxillary Retention Cysts and my experience living with them in a separate post.


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