The reason I was having rhinoplasty surgery with Mr. Le

The reason I was seeking rhinoplasty surgery and had surgery with Mr. Le is simple.

In June, 2007 I underwent a primary rhinoplasty to slightly reduce a bump on the bridge of my nose and to straighten my septum.

In August, 2007, less than 2 months post rhinoplasty, while on my way to a video game tournament in Fairfax, VA, I was nearly run off the road by an illegal immigrant making a reckless left hand turn out of a cul-de-sac in the neighborhood of the tournament. I swerved drastically to avoid collision and proceeded to park my car. When I exited my car, I turned around to see the man that nearly caused an accident with me to be parked in the middle of the road and had exited his car. Without warning or provocation, the man charged at me, screaming at me in Spanish, and sucker punched me in the nose, breaking and fracturing my nose severely.

Upon assaulting me and breaking my nose, the man ran to his car and sped off, never to have been identified by police.

From August 2007 to January, 2011 I lived with a severely fractured nose. In January, 2011, I underwent surgery with Mr. Thomas Le in the facilities of Northwest Hospital under the assumption that my broken nose was being surgically corrected. Unfortunately, my fractured nose was not corrected at all, and remains a fractured mess that I can feel inside of my face, and that is visible on X-Ray and MRI scans. Mr. Le never requested X-Ray or MRI scans to visualize the fractures and plan my surgery.
Mr. Le did not address the fractures in my nose at all in his 10 hour surgery. Post surgery with Mr. Le, my nose remains a broken and fractured mess, with 4 hard and painful rib graft implants sewn into my broken nose. The fractures present in my nose were not corrected in the least by Mr. Le. Mr. Le created nothing more than a surgical mess for me by cutting a hole in my chest and grafting my nose 4 with pieces of my rib cage.

The photos  provided to Mr. Le as the basis of the results that I was seeking were photos of myself with no surgery on my face. It would have been nice to have photos of the primary rhinoplasty results, but unfortunately they did not exist.


  1. Did Le tell you he was putting rib in or was this a surprise?

    1. Long story short:

      I was aware of only 1 rib graft that Mr. Le planned to use on my case, on the bridge of my nose to address the fracture in my nose. I did not want any rib grafts used in my case and was very much against the use of them and had turned down several other surgeons over the use of grafts. I was grossly lied to and misinformed in regards to the procedure and my pre-operative concerns regarding the procedure and the use of rib grafts with nothing more than manipulative sales tactics used by Mr. Le to convince me of having surgery with him. He was desperate for a patient and a paycheck since his employment with UMMC was being terminated at the time and aggressively pursued me. I ended up with 4 large rib grafts sewn into my nose, and my nose grafted from the top of my nose at the radix, all the way down to the base of my columella. My nose was grafted from top to bottom and is precisely what I sought to avoid in the first place.

      It was a surprise to see and feel the extent to which my nose was grafted and to have a hole in my chest and to be in as much pain as I was in. It was a surprise to me that my nose was grafted to the extent it was given the pre-operative concerns I expressed and the cancellations that I made. It was a surprise to me to feel how rock hard my nose was. It was a surprise to me that I was getting physically ill from surgery. Based on my pre-operative dialogs with Mr. Le and the lies that I was told, I was surprised to see how bad the surgery actually was. It was horrible and it was exactly what I was trying to avoid from the beginning.

      I will post the long version tomorrow.

    2. I heard Le back at the University

    3. Thomas Le's employment with University of Maryland Medical Center as Director of Facial Plastic Surgery was terminated in 2010, as I have stated all along, and remains terminated as of today 5/18/2020. He does not have any hospital privileges at UMMC, is not permitted to operate there, and is not employed by University of Maryland or University of Maryland Medical Center.

      His employment was terminated for spending too much time with patients before, during, and after surgery. Thomas Le was doing lengthy consultations discussing topics unrelated to surgery and medical care. He was also performing lengthy and unnecessary facial surgery. The same exact thing he did to me. He has since moved into private practice and is now billing his patients by the 1/2 hour for his time wasting.

      You can confirm his hospital privileges by checking his medical license here:

      Scott Strome, his former supervisor at UMMC has since retired, and Thomas Le has somehow managed to return in some type volunteer capacity. I suspect he used previously established connections to return in a volunteer capacity once Dr. Strome was out of the picture.

      Complaints regarding his return as a volunteer at UMMC have already been filed with UMMC.

      I am going to write about post about his firing in 2010. He was absolutely fired in 2010 and given 6 months to leave. This has been confirmed by 2 facial surgeons, including Thomas Le's former partner, as well as UMMC Patient Advocacy. Thomas Le knew from my initial visit with him at UMMC in 2010 that his employment was being terminated and he withheld this information from me until the very very last minute. My surgery was transferred from UMMC to NW Hospital at the very very last minute under the basis of total lies. My surgery was transferred because Thomas Le's employment was terminated, and not for the lies that Thomas Le told me. I have proof that he knew his employment was being terminated all along, and he completely lied to me about what was actually going on.

  2. I want to see your pictures. You may not like rib grafts but I desperately need them after a rhinoplasty that removed half my nose.

    1. Hello. Thanks for the correspondence :) I will be happy to send you photos. Please send me an email at

      I am not sure what you mean that I don't "Like" rib grafts. My blog is not about liking or disliking rib grafts. My blog is about surgical malpractice, permanent bodily harm, and dangerous and criminal surgeons with deep psychological and behavioral problems, like Thomas Le that are out there. My blog is to share my Malpractice experience with Thomas Le, and educate people like yourself, that are looking for surgery advice, on what to avoid, so that you don't get severely hurt and injured by a dangerous surgeon like Thomas Le, and end up with a surgical mess like what Thomas Le left me with.

      It's apparent that you underwent a primary reduction rhinoplasty and now feel that your nose is half removed, and now feel that letting a surgeon cut a piece of your ribcage off, put a scar and hole in your body, carve your ribcage up into implants, and stuff those implants into your nose will restore the portions of your nose that were reduced. I can tell you very firmly, without even seeing your photos, just by what you wrote, that what you think and are led to believe will happen with rib graft implants, is not what actually happens.

      You are probably the 5th person to contact me with nearly these exact words, and the other 4 patients had not a thing visually, underlyingly, or structurally wrong with their nose and no grafting as well, and I would suspect you are in the same category. They all had well done primary rhinoplasty procedures, but felt their nose was half removed and they were experiencing some type of Identity Crisis. I can only warn you that desperation in rhinoplasty and plastic surgery will lead you to a very bad place. It will lead you to being taken advantage of and agreeing to dangerous and extreme surgery with a poor surgeon as a correction to your complaints. And when the extreme surgery doesn't address these complaints, or goes wrong, or causes more problems, you will be left with an absolute mess on your hands, just like I was and live with. And just like several other people I have met over the years were left with.

    2. I can assure you, that in many cases, structural rib grafts and implants are extreme and unnecessary measures and techniques to address cosmetic nose issues, and before jumping into an extreme and unnecessary procedure or letting a doctor recommend and talk you into an extreme and unnecessary procedure, you should address your desperation some and approach your situation in a calm and logical manner. Let yourself fully heal before you start having and planning more surgery. I mean this in the sincerest way possible. Please don't get yourself hurt. There are surgeons and patients out there, on the internet and in person, that will downplay and flat out lie about plastic surgery and will try to influence you to do things that you shouldn't do and stear you towards bad procedures with no care or responsibility. Beware of fake reviews on the internet and beware of anybody, doctors, patients, whoever, that is trying to talk you into surgery. A sound surgeon will recognize desperation and not perform or recommend surgery.

      In terms of Thomas Le doing your surgery. Thomas Le is way way off psychologically, behaviorally, ethically, socially, and morally. I witnessed some extremely disturbing behavior from him and the guy did an extreme and unnecessary surgery on me. The guy is a liar and has some severe problems and should not be practicing facial surgery in any way. The guy is a dangerous freak to put it mildly. If you are truly insistent on rib grafts or to further your facial cosmetic surgery, I will forward you some surgeons to speak with in email that are far more sound, ethical, and normal than Thomas Le is. You should meet with true experts that can accurately assess your situation. I can assure you that Thomas Le is not an expert in any way, and that he has very poor and unsound judgement and moral. He has undeniable cognitive problems and shortcomings and is a very dangerous man.

      Please do send me an email. I will be happy to talk some with you.


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